Prepare Yourself For The Dating World
How To Prepare For Your Next Relationship
In order to have a successful relationship, it’s critical to start with a solid foundation prior to your search. Below are 7 important steps you can take in order to prepare yourself for a successful relationship...

What you need to know before you start dating
When we go searching for our perfect partner, we need to go to the Interpersonal Marketplace, better known as the 'Dating Marketplace' to find them. The Interpersonal Marketplace reasons that who we match up and connect with greatly depends on...

How well you market yourself determines how selective you can be
In this article, you’re going to see why you should market yourself like you would your home, or any other item of great value. By doing this, you’ll have more options, more candidates to choose from, you can be more selective, plus you’ll make it happen so much faster.

How 1/2 of singles now meet, and how 1/3rd are getting married
I’m going to show you how more than half of the singles in America are now meeting and hooking up today. You’ll also see how more than a third of new marriages are starting.
USA Today reported these findings in June of 2013 based on a research project conducted at the University of Chicago of more than 19,000 singles nationwide
Finding the perfect person to fall in love with is life’s greatest experience, and it can be the major source of joy, pleasure and contentment in all other aspects of your life...
Before You Start Dating...
An Important Message Before you Start Dating - Realize your Dating Marketplace Value!

How Selective Can I Be When Choosing A Mate?
In this section, we’re going to explore the answer to how selective can or should you be when it comes to selecting a mate. The simplest answer is that the more options you have, the more selective you can become, and the faster you can achieve your objective.
That’s why it only makes sense to use the best and easiest method that will give you the most options and that is learning how to master internet dating. That is also why I’m here to help you present yourself in the best way possible so you’ll have the most options!

Here's a checklist if you want a lasting relationship
I’ve created a checklist you can use to qualify anyone you want to consider as a potential mate to see if they meet the basic criteria for a long lasting relationship. You’ll want to ask yourself these questions and strongly consider the consequences of your answers. After you’ve reviewed them I’m sure you’ll want to add a few of your own.
When you start meeting lots of potential candidates, you’ll need to qualify them and take inventory as you get to know them better. Screening possible partners online is the first and easiest way. If you’re not honest with yourself, then it’s you who will have to pay the ultimate consequences. Now at least you have a framework to work within when it comes to the selection process.

How to make your lifestyle and home more inviting for a relationship
Are you still alone and can’t understand why, even though you think you've got a lot going for yourself? Are you doing all the things so many others told you that you need to do, yet still can’t seem to connect with a quality companion that you feel deserves you?
In this article, we're going to examine some of your behaviors and ways in which you can make your lifestyle and environment more inviting – which is critical if you ever desire to have any quality person want to be with you
So many clients ask me to tell them what they’re doing wrong, or what they need to do to attract, connect with and finally have a sexy, equivalent counterpart they can share their life with. It’s no coincidence that those who are having a problem connecting with others are the ones who feel miserable and are unhappy with their own lives.

6 Questions you need to ask yourself before you get involved
Before you start connecting with lots of singles, here are six questions I’d like you to honestly ask yourself:
- Are you emotionally prepared to have a qualified companion in your life?
- Have you created an inviting attractive environment to welcome them into it?
- Are you continuing to work on becoming the best you can be?
- Are you prepared to follow the training and commit to at least 4 to 6 hours per week on working on yourself?
- Have you began thinking about or decided what qualities in a companion you’re looking for?
- Have you decided what type of relationship you’re seeking? Is it a long term, or just for friendship or sexual relationship you’re seeking? Are you just looking to see what’s out there and then decide? Do want to date several people at once?
It’s important to start getting clear in your mind precisely what it is you want in a mate AND a relationship – or chances are you’ll never find it if you don’t clearly define what you’re looking for. Knowing where you’re heading in advance will make it a lot easier to get there. Start planning directions for yourself….This questionnaire and the software in upcoming sessions will help.