Present THE BEST YOU to the Dating World
Market Yourself Like a Rockstar!
Whether you’re marketing a home, a car, or even yourself in this case, here are three steps you need to take…
- Carefully select your targeted audience
- Present a carefully crafted image that attracts your target
- Sell it with the proper communication skills and techniques

How to choose the best dating website(s)
The latest research shows that there are over 2,500 dating websites in the U.S. alone – and over 10,000 worldwide. Many are free, however not all are reputable. You can find a website for nearly any type of subculture that exists.
If you’re interested in dating Trekkies or Vampire – there’s a site for you. Since most of you may be more interested in dating the mainstream genre – I have a website that lists over 400 of the top dating sites with detailed information on each one and how to...
Before You Start Dating...
How to create an inviting environment for your next girlfriend.

Once you find someone online you're interested in, here's how to make contact and respond to them
In this article, you're going to learn how to:
- Create attention, interest then rapport with those who contact you and with those whom you wish to contact
- Communicate in a way that they'll want to write back
- Establish a fun and playful rapport with those you wish to engage with
- Learn how to transition to set up the initial encounter
Research shows that men tend to contact women 4 to 10 times as much as women contact men. It’s just like in the real world so men shouldn’t be too surprised by this statistic. Our culture says...

Advanced internet dating techniques - the reconnaissance profile
If you really want to excel in online dating, an advanced and enlightening technique that really gives you insight into what works best and to see what the competition is doing is create what’s called a “reconnaissance profile”.
What this means is to create a profile of the opposite sex detailing all the qualities you would like in a perfect partner to see what the competition is like.

How to become more confident when meeting new dates
If you want to be the cool, confident person that makes others attracted to you, and you don’t want to be afraid to approach an attractive person at a party or wherever you might happen to meet them, then you will want to start creating the mindset, body language and habits that others are instinctively attracted to.
In this article, you are going to learn some very effective methods that will help you to overcome self doubt and self-defeating behavior. I’m also going to teach you how to start developing “Attractor Factors” so that when you approach...

How to develop a positive, winning attitude to make you more desirable
Have you ever noticed how on some days you look and feel really great, and on others you look and feel like crap to yourself? Most people have these ugly days because they give in to all of the negative circumstances happening in their lives.
It can be an argument with a friend, a traffic ticket or overdue bills. Whatever it is, it can affect your attitude and temperament, and thus the entire image you present. Nonetheless, you can refuse to give into these negative vibes.
It’s all a matter of how and what you think Says...

How to develop a positive self image to gain more confidence and attraction
A low self image is the reason for the lack of self confidence and these two factors can inhibit your personality and keep you from doing or saying the things you would really like to do or say. A person's level of self esteem can fluctuate from day to day, or even from hour to hour, depending upon the person's most recent success or failures, approvals or disapprovals.
Therefore, if you are able to keep your level of self esteem high, your self confidence will enable you to open many doors that were once closed to you because of a low self image and lack of self confidence. The better you feel ...

Remember these 5 C's every time you need a shot of confidence
I once heard master motivator Bob Harrington say, 'Today, I want you to meet the greatest corporation in the world, YOU! Yes, that's right, Y-O-U. YOU are the chairman of the board, YOU are the president, YOU are the vice-president and treasurer of this magnificent and wonderful corporation. Not only that, YOU own controlling interest in this corporation, so if YOU don't like the way YOU are, YOU better take control and get YOU back on the right track!'
You really can program your mind to make yourself more confident and attractive through practice and repetition. Your subconscious mind has a tremendous amount of influence over how you act, and you do have the ability to think yourself into higher self esteem and more self confidence by practicing and repeating often the following formula of the five C's. Your mind is your own, and so is the responsibility as to how you use it.